As international students, getting internships is very important for our training. If you perform excellently during your internship, the company may consider hiring you when you graduate. However, if it doesn’t turn out that way, a letter of recommendation from where you interned could significantly boost your job application. Unfortunately, despite the importance of an internship, international students struggle to get these opportunities. Let’s review some things that will make you not get an internship when you apply.

Application Pitfalls:

  1. Missing Eligibility Requirements:

Organizations provide a description of the internship, its roles, and requirements. The first mistake you can make is to submit an application that doesn’t fit or highlight these requirements. This mistake is easy to make when you apply to many internships using the same generic resume/CV and cover letter. Or, you do not tailor your application documents specific to the needs highlighted in the job description.

  1. Incomplete Application:

There is a reason why applications have a checklist because each requirement is essential. Skipping some of those requirements will make your application is incomplete. A common mistake is to click the submit button and move on without going back to the job portal to see if you have uploaded all the required documents. Incomplete applications are screened out and not reviewed.

  1. Missing Deadline:

Organizations usually have many applications to review each cycle, and it can be in stages. Missing deadlines could mean you don’t get to apply, or your application won’t be reviewed. It also shows your recruiters that you are not good at following guidelines.

  1. Not Responding to Emails or Calls:

The period of applying for jobs and internships is when you should check your phone and emails often. Don’t be a candidate who responds to interview invites or requests for further information after three days. Being unreachable or taking very long to respond to emails or missed calls is a red flag. It tells your prospective employer that you are unreliable, and nobody wants to recruit someone they can’t trust.

  1. Weak Letters of Recommendation:

A letter of recommendation is somebody else’s opinion of you. When it is vague or poorly written, it doesn’t give the reviewers much to evaluate you. Being an international student, you need to stand out. So, find credible people you have worked with to write you strong letters of recommendation. Also, when making your request, you can highlight the things you want them to include in your letter that will make you stand out.

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